Corn sİlage
Corn silage is made from the entire corn plant and serves as one of the most important roughage feeds for ruminants with a high milk yield.
Sugar beets
Sugar beet cossettes are known for their extremely high energy content, palatability, and digestibilty.
Whole crop sİlage
Whole crop silages are usually made from barley, wheat, or triticale. Their cultivation guarantees high yields and has many benefits when it comes to crop farming.
Corn Cob Mix is an outstanding high-energy feed that consists of corn cobs and kernels.
TMR (total mıxed ratıon)
A TMR is made up of a balanced mix of roughage feed and concentrate feed. Dry matter portion and energy content are perfectly attuned. TM rations have a decidedly positive effect on the milk yield and the health of the animals.
Industrıal hemp
The industrial hemp plant is characterized by a particularly high CBD content and is mainly used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries.
Grass silage is the most important roughage feed for ruminants. Ideally, the feed is composed of true grasses, herbs and clover. Species of grass that are high in sugar guarantee a thorough fermentation process.
Diğer Materyaller
e.g. game feed, vegetable leftovers, sugar cane, cracked corn, apple remnants, and straw